Serenity After Six by k Madison Moore Landscape Oil Paintings

Serenity After Six

Landscapes - After Six Series

36 x 60 Landscape Oil Painting on Canvas

no dp

Sold - Commission

My collectors have created their own little series around a painting I did titled After Six.
When they received it, even though a small piece, they fell in love with everything
in the painting, her face, her hair, her eyes and especially the hot pink skirt.

After Six 

Since their purchase of “After Six” I have now painted several and cross 
referencing her in some way in each painting. In this painting she is having
a serene moment drifting along the lake enjoying all the birds and beautiful
scenery of flowers and trees. Her pink hat is prevalent on the edge of the
boat. The pink hat has become the symbol of the After Six Series and can
be seen in each painting to make the connection to the series.

Please feel free if you have your own ideas for an After Six painting.
The series is open for anyone to add their ideas and creativity for their own

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