11 x 14 Black and White Nude Oil Painting
Monochromatic Series
Black-and-white as a description may be considered a misnomer in that the images are not ordinarily starkly contrasted black and white but combine black and white in a continuum producing a range of shades of gray . Further, many prints, especially those produced earlier in the development of photography, were in sepia (mainly for archival stability), which yielded richer, more subtle shading than reproductions in plain black-and-white. Color photography provides a much greater range of shade, but part of the appeal of black and white photography is its more subdued monochromatic character.
I have been thinking about doing a Monochromatic Series for awhile so this will be the first
painting for this series. Many years ago all I did was black and white but used charcoal and inks.
Really is a lot more fun in oils. There is just something about the extreme dark and light with all the shades of gray in between that is striking.
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