10 x 12 Oil painting on canvas
Emotions in Blue
Blue Nudes
Click Here for larger detailed view
Email me for purchase info and questions
Commission projects welcome
A couple of years ago I did a short series of Blue Nudes.
It was very successful but was cut short with ideas for other series.
I have decided that in between my Art within Art Series I want
to start my Blue Nude Series up again and add to it. This
is the first to add.
Have a great weekend.
M :)
Hi Madison, I love the blue figure series. I think it is my favorite of all your series. I can't wait to talk to you about making some paintings for me. I have this image in my head of gun slingers from the Old West in the blue style you do. Call me crazy, lol, but I can't get it out of my head. Anyway, great stuff. I look forward to more. I hope I can contact you this summer for the first request.