Reading with Fernand, "Painting Inspired by Fernand Ledger" by k Madison Moore

Reading with Fernand
Inspired by Fernand Ledger

14" x 14" Oil Painting on Canvas
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Art with Art Series

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Oh Boy, this took sooo long to do. Everything was fine
lines. I am glad I don't do this all the time. lol!
Even though it took so long to paint I really did enjoy
using all the brilliant reds and colors with the black and
white. They are just so striking together with all the
patterns and stripes. Love the way it turned out.

I wasn't crazy about the original expressions that Ledger
used in his paintings. They all looked so sad and some
had no faces. So I changed all of the faces and many of
the elements for my composition. This is a combination
of three of his paintings with people reading.
Enjoy, "Reading with Fernand"
