Joan Miro Inspired Painting, Romancing Miro by k Madison Moore Pennsylvania Artist

Romancing Miro

Inspired by Joan Miro


16 x 20 Oil Painting on Canvas

Sold - Commission

Painting with The Masters
Art within Art Series

I love Miro, his primary colors and his childlike style. I painted a similar room to this
before. My collector loved the room and the painting I used that is similar to Miro's 
of course with my changes. The first was a theme of a gambling party and the aftermath.
My collector is not in to gaming so we decided to make it more of a romantic theme but 
using most of the colors and furniture I used in the first.

I am including a photo of the first so you can see the changes. I do this general idea for 
every similar painting that I repaint. Many collectors find paintings that they like in my
portfolio that have already been sold.  I offer to repaint the painting for them but I like to
make changes so that each one is an original for that collector. If you see something that 
you like that is already sold that you would like to have a similar of, Contact Me with your
ideas and don't forget to mention the titles. Of course I can also design on just for you
with your favorite Master as well. You can check out all of my series on My Portfolio. 
This painting will also live in Brazil.

Miro's Game
Art within Art Series

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